Our Family

Our Family
Top:Tom, Aaron, Thomas Bottom: Donette, Kaelob, Izzy, Stephan

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Our Chocolate lab is loved by all. We have had him 7 years now. He, like me, has arthritis bad. We saw it on xrays a year ago. He has slowed down a lot. Its sad to see. Recently we noticed a lump on his back hip. We are scared it might be cancer but are not sure.

Our star singer

Stephan loves to sing. Each year he auditions to be in choir. This year he is in the all mens choir at Springville High School. I love his baritone voice.

We love Cowboy

In our trip to Colorado to visit Tom's dad a few years ago, we met a longhorn named Cowboy. He would come for love when you whistled for him. The boys LOVED him. This year Tom wanted a picture painted of a longhorn for Christmas. I did not have a pattern for one so I took it from a picture we had of Cowboy. The picture with green fields below the fence bar is the original. The other one is the one I painted.

Disney clips

I love love love to paint Disney characters. Wonderful website called www.disneyclips.com has awesome clip art of a lot of Disney characters.


Recently a friend asked me if I could paint nativities on a glass ornament for her. She collects nativities. I found line drawings on the internet and painted these for her.

Dragon craze

<p>My sons LOVE dragons. Recently I have started painting dragons. Boys have their dragons picked out and in line for their turn. This one is the one I painted for Aaron's birthday which is today. The one with the small eye is the original picture that I painted it from.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY AARON!

The dragon with green fin like things I painted for a friends birthday.

Started a dragon for Kaelob today.
Kaelob's dragon is blue and white with red gems

Monday, December 5, 2011

Toy Story Kleenex box

Just recently finished painting a "Toy Story" Kleenex box cover for a friend. The line drawings came from www.disneyclips.com. I then choose colors and how to paint it.