Our Family

Our Family
Top:Tom, Aaron, Thomas Bottom: Donette, Kaelob, Izzy, Stephan

Monday, January 30, 2012

Kaelob helps with the pledge at a city council meeting.

Kaelob is working on his Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge and went to a City Council Meeting. They asked for volunteers for the opening prayer and pledge. The kids from our troop were the only ones willing. Kaelob helped with the pledge. He is wearing and blue, black and white jacket. http://provout.swagit.com/player.php?refid=01182012-119

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Blue flower box

I love to paint with the Maureen McNaughton technique. This box was done that way.
Sorry for the poor lighting in the pictures. They rally are the same colors on all sides.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

End of the school term crunch

We have just about made it through the end of the school term crunch. Final projects and missing assignments about done. Kaelob completed a pop up book for The Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Bloom. I HOPE to post a video of the book when we get it back. I've never done one so wish me luck. Aaron made a 3D set design of a dining room in the 1940s. Stephan made cinnamon rolls with Fudge frosting on them.

Friday, January 6, 2012

DIY project of 2011 contest bottun


Entered the dragon I painted for Aaron under Dragon Craze